Imperial Tombs of the Ming and Qing Dynasties

Imperial Tombs of the Ming and Qing Dynasties (明清皇家陵寝) is the designation under which the UNESCO has included several tombs and burial complexes into the list of World Heritage Sites. These tombs date from the Ming and Qing dynasties of China.

Tombs were included in the list in 2000, 2003 and 2004. The property now includes the following tombs or tomb groups:

Serial ID No. Tomb Province Location Coordinates  Area (m²)  Buffer (m²) Year 
  (dms.s) inscribed
Xianling Hubei Zhongxiang N31 01 E112 876 2,264,000 2000
1004-001 Tomb Province 39
Eastern  Hebei Zunhua N41 11 E117 2,240,000 78,000,000 2000
1004-002 Qing  Province 38
Western  Hebei  Yixian  N39 20 E115 18,420,000 47,580,000 2000
1004-003 Qing  Province County 13
Tombs Baoding
Ming  Beijing Changping  N40 16 10 8,230,000 81,000,000 2003
1004-004 Tombs Municipality District E116 14 40
Xiaoling  Jiangsu Nanjing N32 03 30 1,160,000 1,800,000 2003
1004-005 Tomb Province City E118 51 07
Tomb of Jiangsu  Nanjing  N32 03 44 9,800 2003
1004-006 Chang  Province City E118 49 54
Tomb of Jiangsu  Nanjing  N32 03 51 5,500 2003
1004-007 Qiu Cheng Province City E118 49 59
Tomb of Jiangsu  Nanjing  N32 04 00 4,000. 1,800,000 2003
1004-008 Wu Liang Province City E118 49 51
Tomb of Jiangsu  Nanjing  N32 04 05 3,500 2003
1004-009 Wu Zhen Province City E118 49 57
Tomb of Jiangsu  Nanjing  N32 04 30 8,500 2003
1004-010 Xu Da Province City E118 50 06
Tomb of Li  Jiangsu  Nanjing  N32 04 47 8,700 2003
1004-011 Wenzhong Province City E118 50 23
Yongling  Liaoning  Fushun 2,365,900 13,439,400 2004
1004-013 Tomb of Province City
the Qing
Fuling  Liaoning  Shenyang 538,600 7,023,600. 2004
1004-013 Tomb of Province City
the Qing
Zhaoling Liaoning  Shenyang  478,900 3,187,400 2004
1004-014 Tomb of Province City
the Qing
Total 34,379,400. 234,294,400

2004 additions

The three Imperial Tombs of the Qing Dynasty in Liaoning Province include the Yongling Tomb, the Fuling Tomb, and the Zhaoling Tomb, all built in the 17th century. Constructed for the founding emperors of the Qing Dynasty and their ancestors, the tombs follow the precepts of traditional Chinese geomancy and fengshui theory. They feature rich decoration of stone statues and carvings and tiles with dragon motifs, illustrating the development of the funerary architecture of the Qing Dynasty. The three tomb complexes, and their numerous edifices, combine traditions inherited from previous dynasties and new features of Manchu culture.

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